09 November 2017
Starting from 14th October, every Saturday afternoon from 15 to 18.45 Enoteca Regionale Emilia Romagna will be hosting the region's wine producers, to let the visitors get acquainted wit the persons hiding behind a bottle.
"Meet the Producer" is the right occasion to savour the taste of a territory and the juicy result of many decisions taken in the wineries, directly explained by the people involved in the production.
This is the list of the next events for this season 2017:
11/11 Tenuta La Viola (FC)
18/11 Cà Bruciata (BO)
25/11 Tenuta Bonzara (BO)
02/12 Valle delle Lepri (RN)
09/12 Randi (RA)
16/12 Gallegati (RA)
23/12 Tenuta Folesano (BO)
No reservation is needed.
Information: +39 0542 367741 o info@enotecaemiliaromagna.it